Genetically Modified Crops - Explained

 Genetically Modified Crops


Can you guess the above 2 fruits? The above 2 are the same! Shocked! Yes, they both are Watermelon.  But one is naturally occurring and the other one is made by the interference of humans, with a simple technique called cross breeding or selective breeding. The same has been done for a lot of crops like Banana, Eggplant, Carrots, etc.

Techniques like cross breeding and selective breeding are very traditional and humans have been using them to modify their crops. This has helped them in growing better crops, be it in terms of growth, taste or traits. But these method is more of a hit and trial and can take a lot of time.

But the modern world which is full of technology and development offers us a new and better technique known as Agriculture Bio-Technology. Biotechnology is the use of an organism, or a component of an organism or other biological system, to make a product or process for a specific use. Agriculture Bio-Technology or AgriTech is a technique involving use of various scientific technique to change the gene or DNA of a plant to get a desired and profitable agricultural crop. The desired trait are taken from other organism and passed on to other one which lacks it. These desired crops have improved qualities in terms of color, flavor, growth rate, size of harvested crops and resistance to pests and diseases. The crops which uses the agriculture biotechnology are known as Genetically Modified Crops or simply GM Crops.

Fig: Currently grown GM crops in the U.S

Why we need GM crops?

Although growing a better crop was always on humans mind but with the growing population it has become a necessity.  Our current agriculture industry faces a lot of other problems too like crops are prone to a lot of pests, weeds and diseases. All this results in poor crop quality. Agricultural bio-Technology is one of our best shot in addressing the problem of increase population and many more.

How GM crops are made?

To understand the making of GM crops let’s take an example of BT corn. Usually plants are prone to insects and pests and that is why insecticide and pesticides are used. The corn which was grown by farmers was also prone to a pest known as Corn Borer. Because of this their crops reduces in quantity as well as quality. Using pesticide means not only killing the harmful insects but the useful ones too. Also while spraying pesticides farmers has to be continuously be in the toxic environment too that can lead to their bad health. How this problem can be addressed? The GM crops are the best answer to it. Let’s understand how it works!

a.       DETECT: To produce a GM plant, scientists first find what characteristic they want that plant to have, such as resistance to pests or insects. Then, they search for an organism (plant, animal, or microorganism) that already has that trait encoded within its DNA. In our example, scientists wanted to create pest-resistant corn to reduce the need to spray pesticides. They detected a gene in Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt, a soil bacterium), which produces a natural pesticide that is known for many years in our old agriculture practices.

b.       TRANSCRIPT: Once the desired trait is identified and the organism containing that trait, the desired genes are transcribed. To put it simply the DNA or the desired gene is copied. In our example the gene from Bt is copied which is pest resistant.

c.       TRANSFER: The transcribed DNA is then transfer to our desired plant using scientific tools and techniques. By inserting the Bt gene into the DNA of the corn plant, scientists gave it the insect resistance trait.

d.       GROW: At this stage, scientists grow the new plant in labs to make sure the gene which has been transferred to the plants works the way it has been designed. Also the new plant should adopt all the external and internal conditions of the plant. Then the new plants are transferred to the field.

So the new Bt corn has the ability to resist the corn borer and farmers can get a better quality crop.


Fig: Normal corn V/S Bt Corn

Pros and Cons of GM Crops

Although Selective breeding is a more natural way to get desired traits but that is also a lengthy and time taking process. GM Crops have the modification which accelerates the process and giving the required traits quickly as compared to our traditional ways.But unlike any other thing everything has some good and bad effects.


As we can observe in our example how the Bt Corn was resistant to pests. Similarly other modification can make a crop survive severe conditions like droughts or floods, resist to insects and pests and diseases, give farmers higher yields, can alter the size, color or flavor of crops as per the requirement. All these things together helps the farmers not only in having good quality crops but also reducing the overall cost.

Other than this GM crops can be modified to get better nutritional values in our food. For example Golden Rice was developed which has high Vitamin A values. Lack of Vitamin A in one’s diet can lead to blindness. So the Golden Rice is grown to help prevent blindness in areas where local diet lacks Vitamin A chronically.


Although GM Crops offers a wide range of benefits to us and our environment, but not knowing enough about them can turn the things in opposite direction. Their benefits has given them a positive lime light but there are also concerns about their long term safety and impact on environment.

The first most concern regarding GM Crops is that they may trigger allergic reaction. Since the genes introduced to the plants are foreign gene, they can cause reactions in humans which were previously unknown. Although the GM Crops are under the FDA and they go through a lot of testing but there are still so many things which can go uncheck.

Similarly, there’s a common concern that GM foods may aid the advance of cancers. Because cancers are caused by DNA mutations, some people fear that eating foods with mutated genes in the GM Food might affect ones DNA.

The Future

The future of GM Crops or Agricultural Bio-Technology is very promising as it will improve our efforts to meet the global needs for food. Using agricultural Bio-Technology we can grow crops that can give us high yield in lesser land solving our one more problem of deforestation. Also we can create plants that will have the genes to absorb more harmful gases like CO2 and N2 which are leading causes of Global Warming. Agricultural Bio-Technology can be tool for us to reverse the harmful changes we have made to the environment.

But while creating all the mutation we should always keep in mind that mutations can cause changes which can remain with the plant for forever. So every possible test should be done while making these crops or plants. Rigorous research, Lab Tests should be done. Collected data should be stored and analyzed from time to time to avoid any major impacts on our environment. As we all have heard “Precaution is better than Cure”, keeping this in mind we should carry forward with Agricultural Bio-Technology. And soon this Technology will become our Savior.


Uma @ Team Agrix