Latest Agriculture update

Latest Agriculture update 

Here are some latest agriculture updates from around the world:

* **Tropical crops at risk from pollinator loss due to climate change, shift in land use, finds study.** A new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change has found that tropical crops are at risk from pollinator loss due to climate change and shifts in land use. The study found that pollinators are essential for the production of many tropical crops, such as coffee, cocoa, and fruits. However, climate change and land use change are disrupting pollinator populations and their habitats. This could lead to a decline in the production of tropical crops, which would have a significant impact on food security and livelihoods.
* **Farmers lost $3.8 trillion to disasters over 30 years: FAO's first-ever global estimation.** The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has estimated that farmers around the world lost $3.8 trillion to disasters over the past 30 years. The FAO's first-ever global estimation of the economic impact of disasters on agriculture found that droughts and floods were the most common disasters, accounting for 70% of the losses. The FAO also found that the economic impact of disasters on agriculture is increasing, with losses doubling over the past 15 years.
* **Shifting to millets increases groundwater recharge more than drip irrigation in India's northern plains: Study.** A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has found that shifting to millets can increase groundwater recharge more than drip irrigation in India's northern plains. The study found that millets have a deeper root system than other crops, which allows them to access water deeper in the soil. This helps to replenish groundwater supplies. The study also found that millets are more resistant to drought and pests than other crops, making them a more sustainable option for farmers in the region.

* **USDA announces second round of awards to expand domestic fertilizer production.** The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced a second round of awards to expand domestic fertilizer production. The USDA will award $1 billion in grants to companies that are building or expanding fertilizer production facilities in the United States. The USDA's goal is to reduce the country's reliance on imported fertilizer and make it more affordable for farmers.

* **Iowa harvest slows amid rainfall but is still ahead of average.** The Iowa harvest has slowed amid rainfall, but it is still ahead of average. According to the USDA's Crop Progress report, 60% of Iowa's corn crop has been harvested and 70% of the soybean crop has been harvested. This is both ahead of the five-year average.